Tuesday, 13 March 2012

2. Debacle - Wed 18 November 2009

The second Australian Beer Club gathering was held at Debacle on Wednesday the 18th of November and again it was a great success. 

Michael Lonard from Beer Importers & Distributors Pty Ltd was our host/beer guru for the evening and explained all the ins and outs of some of Europe’s finest beers.  The extra couple of % alcohol in some of these beers was really felt on Thursday morning.

The 1st beer we tasted was the “Real Belgian Pils”. Pilsner style bottom fermentation beer. Malt enhancing upon tasting, it leaves the hops to offer a hint of bitterness without lingering and without acridity, and to take on a thirst-quenching role with a surprising flavour for a Pils.  The Pils was perfect to wash down a nice little plate of seafood. We had a prawn, a scallop and a fresh oyster with lime sorbet on it (very special).

The 2nd beer was “Titje”. White top fermentation beer, which was cloudy white in colour.
It possesses a highly refreshing flavour where the coriander plays the perfect thirst-quenching role. Upon tasting, the dried orange peel arouses a noticeable quiver.
We were served up a beautifully cooked satay chicken skewer with a bit of rice.

The 3rd beer was “Chimay Blanche/Tripel”. This top fermented Trappist beer, refermented in the bottle, is not pasteurised.  This beer with its typical golden colour, its slightly hazy appearance and its fine head is especially characterised by its aroma which results from an agreeable combination of fresh hops and yeast.  The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma.  The aroma complements the touch of bitterness. There is no acidity, but an after-bitterness which melts in the mouth.  As a bit of a first for most of us, we were served plate of grilled haloumi cheese with this beer and it was perfect match.
The 4th and last beer of the evening was the “Warsteiner Premium Verum”.  A world class international pilsner, Warsteiner Premium Verum is a slightly pale German-style pilsner with clean crisp, refreshing import taste. Warsteiner is brewed with fresh Arnsberger Forest spring water sourced at the brewery Warstein, Germany, naturally soft water that helps create the smooth taste and thick creamy head. Warsteiner truly is The Premium German Beer. Brewed according to German Purity Law of 1516 with no chemicals, additives or preservatives. Brewed exclusively with German hop varieties featuring Noble Hallertau hops and 100% two-row German spring barley malt.  This beer went very well with the nice little pork belly we were served.
Our special thanks goes out to Michael Lonard and all the guys at Debacle for providing the venue and the great food.

We had a few slow learners and a few quests that were caught without their Hall socks on and were fined accordingly.  Again there was a fine for anyone caught using the word “WINE”, this is proving to be a very good money spinner as quite a few guys were caught out.

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